Economics, Blogosphere, Real Discussion

Where is real discussion occurring? It's online in the blogosphere -- don’t feel nostalgic for the days of authority figures dominating the discourse. Intellectually, in economics at least, these are the good old days. (Paul Krugman - source infra)--

The Facebooking of Economics - " . . . Anyway, at this point the real discussion in macro, and to a lesser extent in other fields, is taking place in the econoblogosphere. This is true even for research done at official institutions like the IMF and the Fed: people read their working papers online, and that’s how their work gets incorporated into the discourse. How does the econoblogosphere work? It’s a lot like the 17th-century coffee shop culture Tom Standage describes in his lovely book Writing on the Wall. People with shared interests in effect meet in cyberspace (although many of them are, as it happens, also sitting in real coffee shops at the time, as I am now), exchange ideas, write them up, and make those writeups available to others when they think they’re especially interesting...." (read more at the link above)

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